Ms. Etiquette gives contemporary information for etiquette in today's busy and informal society. She gives insight into good manners for all situations from workplace, dating, cell phones, weddings and most social situations. Good form, manners and etiquette are always in style.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Engagement Ring Etiquette

The wedding season is fast approaching and so arises many wedding etiquette questions. In this blog I will attempt to address the many situations that arise from engagement through wedding planning, ceremony and the event itself. Please feel free to write in a question and we will answer it as promptly and honestly as possible.

To start with good etiquette and manners is first and for most CONSIDERATION OF OTHERS. This simple rule of thumb is so often forgotten in planning what is truly a joyous event. Engagements and wedding can bring out the best and worst in people. My goal is to help you

Lets start at the beginning..... Engagement

Traditionally a man would ask his future bride's parents for the woman's hand in marriage. Today things have changed and it is totally acceptable to go ahead and decide to marry with out such formality. These days it is perfectly acceptable for the woman to propose or for the couple to decide together and skip the formality of presenting the ring as a surprise. It is good etiquette though to inform both sets of parents immediately to share the joyous news. If there are children from a previous marriage it is important to let them right away so they can start to adjust to the new member of the family.

The Engagement Ring

The diamond industry heavily promotes a diamon ring and six months salary for the engagement ring, this is not the case. It is a good idea to find out from the bride and in many cases the groom what type of setting and stone desires for their engagement ring. Today their are many choices of stones from precious to semi precious, settings and metals to choose from. Also budget and lifestyle must be taken into consideration. Consider a budget that works within your short and long term life plan. If you can not afford the perfect ring get something you can afford and either add to it later or get that ring for the wedding or an anniversary. A good jeweler will be able to take the time to discuss the many optins available to you. If you discuss these things prior to purchasing a ring you are more llkely to get something that will be well suited and loved.

If by chance you get a ring that you are less than thrilled with I would suggest you first acknowledge the sentiment, admire the choice and voice appreciation. If the ring is something that you cannot live with then after a few days tell your fiance so you can go back to the store and choose something together that suits both of your tastes.

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